salam.. hi readers.. just a simple post. sekarang ni fatin di INTURA, Sg. Petani. sedang menghadapi Pre Pac test untuk PTD M41. mula-mula sangat la takut nak datang, sebab fatin expect everyone will be like sombong and most of the akan ada banyak pengalaman pre-pac sebelum ni.
masa taklimat, semua nampak scary since semua orang cakap english with each other dan masa tu fatin baru ja nak panaskan my english speaking skill. fatin lambat ckit nak dapat momentum bercakap dalam english ni. tapi, alhamdulilah, i managed to survive in the english spoken crowd. huhu.... the recipe is simple, jangan takut untuk jadi diri sendiri dan jangan rasa rendah diri walaupun tau orang lain ada 1001 kelebihan compared to u. just be urself, then the miracles will come. trust me.
so, basically, pre pac is about stand b4 the others. show everyone who u are and what u got. kena tunjuk leadership skills, confidence level must be very high, idealistic and strong phisical capabilities to be in the spotlight. am i good enough? entah..huhu....
i tried my best, so just wait and see the result. i am doing this for my family. so mak dan ayah, this is for u guys~ lots of loves, FATIN
New Year?
1 month ago
2 nasik tambah on "Pre Pac"
x dpt nk borak pnjg ngn awk hr tu..all the best ya..but the activities were great..i enjoyed myself in every single tasks given
salam singgah fatin.
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